Istanbul Memories – Summer Exhibition 19.06.2014-30.08.2014Posted on June 24, 2014, by Johann
Joint exhibition of 3 Turkish artist Devrim Erbil –Oil Painting –make the invisible visible Demir Kardas-Painting ,sculpture and artistic Printing Asanni Gulin Algul-1200 degrees marbling glass- ebru...
Exhibition TurcArt 08-31.05.2014Posted on May 4, 2014, by Johann
“Joint exhibition of 13 Swiss and Turkish artist for the benefit of students studying art in Turkey”. Thanks to the participation and generosity of our many Swiss and Turkish friends, we will be able to lend our support to ECEV in favor of Turkish students. We thank them and as...
Exhibition “ Merging & emerging ” by Lara Kamhi&Melda Kamhi Kosif 03-30.04.2014Posted on March 20, 2014, by Johann
Ambassador Mr Haluk Ilicak The Permanenent Representative of Turkey to the World Trade Organization Consul General of Turkey Mrs Nurdan Bayraktar Golder in Geneva and Dear Guest, Many thanks for honoring us with your participation to our exhibition opening Merging & Emerging The two artists collaboration questions the perceptive and...
Exhibition “L’Oubli” by Pinar Yesilada 04-29.03.2014Posted on February 28, 2014, by Johann
Turkish sculptor Pınar Yeşilada’s exhibition titled “Oblivion” will open on March 4 at Collection Heritage in the Swiss city of Geneva. In the exhibition, the artist questions social memory and the effects of violence on generations....